Tuesday, November 11, 2008

dial 911

I went to great pains earlier in this blog to try and define synchronicity. I talked about coincidence, convergence and conspiracy. So for your edification I offer you this interesting item on 11:11 at 11:11.  I think this will also be a good intro for both upcoming posts I'm planning, my L[os]t post and my "crazy town" post in which I will give big props to my man Jake Kotze for inspiring me to start blogging with his blog--if this is a movement, he is at the center.  It is a beautiful idea really. Where does one find truth?  Where can one see the collective unconscious in play?  And the answer?  Bad movies.  Bad T.V.  Our fictions are our collective unconscious and all one needs to do is sit down with Freud, Jung and some popcorn and see what our collective dream is attempting to tell us.

I'm sure you've seen the above video.  It made the rounds in 2005 I think.  So what do we call this? From our vantage point now, the video is haunting.  Enjoy The Silence. The Tower has come down.  Of course, at that height, the city is poetically silent (I'm guessing, I've never been).  So what I'm saying is that it is perfectly logical and non-conspiratorial for Depeche Mode to film their video here in 89 or 90.

What do you make of this video by Ryan Adams shot on Sept. 7 2001 though? (I can't embed it.  You will have to follow the link.) These buildings were definitely symbols.

The Tower is an Archetype.  Did you know that?  And the thing that boggles my mind about 9/11 is how these "towers" crumbled to dust like they were completely rotten.

On an inner level, the god struck Tower is an image of the collapse of old forms. The Tower is the only man-made structure in the Major Arcana, and thus a representation of structures, inner and outer, which we ourselves build, like Minos, as defenses against life and as concealment to hide our less agreeable sides from others. In many ways the Tower is an image of the socially acceptable facades we adapt to hide the beast within. Then we use our professions, our good credentials, our affiliations with respectable intuitions and companies, our carefully mannered social roles, our politest smiles and most diplomatic exchanges, our magazine-inspired appearances, and family-instilled morals, to hide that shameful secret which in the card of the Devil awaits the Fool in the underworld. The tower is a structure of false or outgrown values, those attitudes towards life which do not spring from the whole self but are 'put on' like costumes in a play to impress the audience. Likewise, the Tower also represents the structures we build in the outside world to embody our incomplete selves.

Thus, when the Fool confronts the great god Pan at the heart of the Labyrinth within, he is changed by the encounter. He is more humble, more complete, and more real. Inevitability, this change will result in changes occurring in outer life. Just as our attitudes are altered by any encounter with what lies in the unconscious, so too are our chosen lifestyles. One of the reasons people fear this inward-looking process is that they are dimly aware that, having discovered one's real nature, one can no longer pretend in the eyes of the world. Honest encounter with the Devil invokes a profound inner integrity, and thus the Tower, the edifice which represents the values of the past, must fall. The Fool perceives the ways in which he has betrayed his essential self, and this shock is like the trident of Poseidon striking the Labyrinth: It cracks open the defenses and releases those parts of ourselves which have been enslaved. In many ways the Minotaur is like the Devil, for both represent a bestial secret connected with the body and with shameful sexual feelings which must be concealed even from ourselves if we are to appear blameless and 'nice' in the eyes of society (67 - 68).
by Juliet Sharman-Burke And Liz Greene
Fireside, New York, 1986

The goat in myth was associated with lechery and dirtiness, and was considered an unclean and lustful animal. But the goat also symbolizes the scapegoat, the person or thing upon whom people project the inferior side of themselves in order to feel cleaner and more righteous. Thus Pan, the Devil, is the scapegoat within which we blame for our troubles in life.

The dark and doorless cave implies that Pan dwells in the most inaccessible realm of the unconscious. Only crisis can break through the wall into his secret chamber.

The dancing figures are free, if they so wish to remove their chains, for the hands are not bound. Bondage to the Devil is ultimately a voluntary matter which consciousness can release (63).
by Juliet Sharman-Burke And Liz Greene
Fireside, New York, 1986

"Cronos was banished, some say to the depths of the underworld, but others say to the blessed Isles where he sleeps, awaiting the beginning of a new Golden Age (52)." ~Mythic Tarot

1 comment:

Jake Kotze said...


The Tower, Fool, Labyrinth and Pan/OZ/77.
Things that were heavy in my mind in regards to Jennifer Connelly's quest.